Please contact us for further details of any of the following.

Latest Weekly Notice Sheet (PDF)

Monthly Parish Magazine (with Bodle Street Green and Dallington churches) – includes details of many local clubs, societies, events etc. as well as useful adverts and information about church activities.

The cover price is 50p per issue. The magazine is available in church or by subscription, or view on-line (Parish Magazine).

We also welcome enquiries about advertising in the magazine. Adverts are run from April to March each year, but can commence mid-year (priced pro-rata for remaining months until March) if spaces are available.

Please contact Meryl Clark, , for further information, pricing, and available sizes.

The parish magazine editor can be contacted at .

We welcome new contributions, especially from local clubs and societies. Items for the magazine need to be with the editor by the 7th of the month prior to publication.

Please see the Weekly Notice Sheet for Upcoming Events.